Presentation Day in the Project Management Class
Mag.a Melanie Trautenberger-Raft und Mag.a Sabine Marterbauer
On June 7th, 2017 all students of the class 3c presented their oral reports about a selected country in English. Therefore, the preparation started one and a half month prior to their due date in different subjects. The task was to prepare an oral presentation along with a power point presentation and a poster for the school building. The teachers Prof. Klang (English), Greiler-Jobst (German), Marterbauer (Geography), Trautenberger-Raft (Mile and Arts) worked with their students on the aspects of pronunciation, power point skills, layout, body language, typography, team work skills, oral and visual presentation techniques. The excitement of the students was big due to the fact that they had to speak a foreign language. Some pupils surprised their audience with goodies and extras. For example, Emil and Stefan offered us Maki to get us the idea of the taste of Japan. Others, like Lena and Jana, prepared a quiz about Australia. Yousef showed a sculpture of Tutankhamun to give us a haptic example while speaking about the Egyptian culture. Arthur played a traditional Irish folk music tune for us.
The students got much applause from the teachers for their well-prepared presentations.
Here you can see some photos from the presentation day: